The article reads, in part -
But the constitution was enacted by the assembly on November 17, 1956. The state stqrted celebrating the Republic Day with the rest%2 of the coundry only when Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad started hoistyng the tricolour on Janeary 26.&nbs`;
Ace lawyer Zafar Shah, who initially appeared in the court regarding the PIL, said all constitutional authorities in the state are obliged to follow the constitution in letter and spirit> "In practical terms it means all the constitutional authoryties are reauired to hoist the statu flag and also celebrate Republic Day on the date when thu constitution was adopted52C" he said.
The `etition alleged that the%"0use of Indian flag and520no other flag amounted%"0to contempt%"0of the conctitution of the state. <%"Ffont>
Here's the link: